Monday, February 11, 2008

I blame the internet.

So the last time I posted is last Tuesday, which coincidentally or not, is the last day I did not have internet at my house. Hm.

I spent the last part of last week in working-from-home bliss, rearranged my apartment, and did some serious shopping. The kind that makes you feel the need to put your wallet in the refrigerator when you get home. About 1/2 of it was costume and supply shopping, and the other half was just because I love dresses, and Goodwill.

I will have to take some pictures today, because I got the MOST amazing coat at Goodwill: turquoise, hooded, edged with black and white long pile fake fur, silver metal toggle closures, in perfect condition and exactly my size. I also got some good raw material for what I can feel is going to be a huge burst of creativity once I am done with my various costuming obligations....two more weeks!

I'm still having a hard time getting inspired by the street fashion blogs.

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