Monday, October 3, 2011

Fabric Roses

I did it!  I got married!  While I didn't accomplish all 1293847520983745 crafty projects I had set for myself, I did accomplish enough.  It was more sewing and making than I had done in a very long time and I'm SO glad I set aside enough time to work on things.  That said I will admit to sewing the lining in the dress I chose to wear in the last few minutes before we left the house to head up to the wedding site.

I don't have a lot of pictures yet, and I don't want to share *too* much of them online, but I will show you some of the things I made and of course the dress(es).

Here is my bouquet - I am 100% thrilled with the way this came out (picture by Isaac Wasuck):

I used a Clover Rose Maker in Large (using the "advanced" method where you turn it inside out to hide the seam)  and after testing out a ton of different fabrics (using mainly thrifted castaways) I settled on using fat quarters from Jo-Anns.  I thought they gave the best "rose like" appearance and the ease of picking colors was an added bonus. 

For the stems I bought a bunch of fake roses and gardenias and disassembled them, removing all the petals and plastic pollen pieces but leaving the green plastic "base" where the flower attaches to the stem.  This left me with a nice base to glue the roses onto.  I used Beacon Fabri-tac for the glue - this stuff is INCREDIBLE and I swear by it for anything you might normally use a glue gun for, plus anything not worth spending the time to hand sew.  It's a costumers best friend.

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